Baggage Claims

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Baggage Claims

Ceiba Intercontinental sincerely regrets any possible delay in tracing your baggage. Every effort will be made to locate and restore your bag. The total allowed tracing period is 21 days from the date of incident. During this time the automated tracing system will match the profile created for your bag with similar type of bags that remain unclaimed at various other airports all around the world.

Great emphasis is given to correct Tag Details, Address on the missing bag, and Brand Information of the Bag, Color and Type of bag, and Content of the Bag. It is mandatory that information enclosed in the profile is correct to the best of your knowledge.

Contact local Ceiba Intercontinental offices on this email is accessed by all stations where Ceiba Intercontinental operates.

We will endeavor to identify and retrieve your bag within the shortest time possible.

If your bag is delayed beyond the stipulated tracing period of 21 days, Please contact the call Center  with: +240 333 099393

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